Site Updates Blog
Welcome to our site updates blog. This is where we keep you up to date about changes to the site, such as new features that are added, updates to the stock quantities or new parts being added to the database. The blog was started 24 September 2016, so does not include information about changes to the site that were made before that date.
Second Batch of Spares Illustrations
Category: Site Updates Blog
The second batch of illustrations for spare parts listed in our parts directory has now been added to the site. A full listing can be found at JCB Spares Illustrations - Batch Two.
First Batch of Spares Illustrations
Category: Site Updates Blog
We are now featuring illustrations for some of the parts that are listed on the site! Details of the first batch from this exciting new development can be found at JCB Spares Illustrations - Batch One.
Twentieth Batch of JCB Parts
Category: Site Updates Blog
The twentieth batch of JCB parts is now live on the site. Component parts for this batch will be added soon. Full details can be found in the article JCB Parts, Batch Twenty.
Component Parts Now Listed for Batch Nineteen
Category: Site Updates Blog
The component parts for the parts listed in batch nineteen have now been added to the site. The primary parts are linked to their components, so they can be found from the individual product pages. See Component Parts for Batch Nineteen for the newly added parts or the full listing for batch nineteen.
Nineteenth Batch of JCB Parts
Category: Site Updates Blog
The nineteenth batch of JCB parts is now live on the site. Component parts for this batch will be added soon. Full details can be found in the article JCB Parts, Batch Nineteen.
Eigtheenth Batch of JCB Parts
Category: Site Updates Blog
The eighteenth batch of JCB parts is now live on the site. There are no component parts for this batch. Full details can be found in the article JCB Parts, Batch Eigtheen.
Seventeeth Batch of JCB Parts
Category: Site Updates Blog
The seventeeth batch of JCB parts is now live on the site. There are no component parts for this batch. Full details can be found in the article JCB Parts, Batch Seventeen.
Component Parts Now Listed for Batch Sixteen
Category: Site Updates Blog
The component parts for the parts listed in batch sixteen have now been added to the site. The primary parts are linked to their components, so they can be found from the individual product pages. See Component Parts for Batch Sixteen for the newly added parts or the full listing for batch sixteen.
Sixteenth Batch of JCB Parts
Category: Site Updates Blog
The sixteenth batch of JCB parts is now live on the site. Component parts will be added soon. Full details can be found in the article JCB Parts, Batch Sixteen.
Component Parts Now Listed for Batch Fifteen
Category: Site Updates Blog
The component parts for the parts listed in batch fifteen have now been added to the site. The primary parts are linked to their components, so they can be found from the individual product pages. See Component Parts for Batch Fifteen for the newly added parts or the full listing for batch fifteen.
Fifteenth Batch of JCB Parts
Category: Site Updates Blog
The fifteenth batch of JCB parts is now live on the site. Component parts will be added soon. Full details can be found in the article JCB Parts, Batch Fifteen.
Component Parts Now Listed for Batch Fourteen
Category: Site Updates Blog
The component parts for the parts listed in batch fourteen have now been added to the site. The primary parts are linked to their components, so they can be found from the individual product pages. See Component Parts for Batch Fourteen for the newly added parts or the full listing for batch fourteen.
Fourteenth Batch of JCB Parts
Category: Site Updates Blog
The fourteenth batch of JCB parts is now live on the site. Component parts will be added soon. Full details can be found in the article JCB Parts, Batch Fourteen.
Thirteenth Batch of JCB Parts
Category: Site Updates Blog
The thirteenth batch of JCB parts is now live on the site. There are no component parts for this batch. Full details can be found in the article JCB Parts, Batch Thirteen.
Component Parts Now Listed for Batch Twelve
Category: Site Updates Blog
The component parts for the parts listed in batch twelve have now been added to the site. The primary parts are linked to their components, so they can be found from the individual product pages. See Components for Batch Twelve for the newly added parts or the full listing for batch twelve.
Twelfth Batch of JCB Parts
Category: Site Updates Blog
The twelfth batch of JCB parts is now live on the site. Component parts for this batch will be added soon. Full details can be found in the article JCB Parts, Batch Twelve.
Component Parts Now Listed for Batch Eleven
Category: Site Updates Blog
The components for the JCB spare parts in batch eleven are now listed on the site. All of the parts that were listed in batch eleven have been linked to their components, so you can simply visit those pages and see the components listed there. Alternatively, you can find the newly added parts in our article Components for Batch Eleven or find the individual parts from batch eleven.
Eleventh Batch of JCB Parts
Category: Site Updates Blog
Our eleventh batch of JCB parts has now been added to the site. This takes us closer to 1,500 parts being listed in the online database, with the components for this batch going on soon. You can find full details about the parts in this batch in our article JCB Parts, Batch Eleven.
Component Parts Listed for Batch Ten
Category: Site Updates Blog
The component parts for batch ten have now been listed on the site. The parts from batch ten have been updated to list their component parts, and any that were new have been added. You can find the newly added parts in our article Components for Batch Ten or visit the individual parts from batch ten to get a full list of components.
Tenth Batch of JCB Parts
Category: Site Updates Blog
Our tenth batch of JCB parts was added to the site today. This brings the total just short of 1250 parts. Full details of the parts that were added can be found in our article JCB Parts, Batch Ten.
Batch Nine Component Parts Live
Category: Site Updates Blog
The component parts for batch nine are now live on the site. You can find a list of all the parts that were newly added for this in the batch nine components article. For a full list of components, visit the product page for the batch nine part you are interested in, by visiting the main article for batch nine.
Total Listed Parts Exceeds 1000 with Batch Nine
Category: Site Updates Blog
Today we added our ninth batch of JCB parts to the site, which is a special batch, because it takes the total number of parts listed on the site over 1000! We are very pleased to have reached this goal and looking forward to the next 1000! You can find full details of the batch in our article JCB Parts, Batch Nine.
Batch Eight Component Parts
Category: Site Updates Blog
The component parts for batch eight were added today, including parts for a number of axles and differentials. The newly added parts can be found in the parts directory update article or you can visit the main batch article where you can find all of the main products, and visit their product pages to see their components.
Extended Descriptions for Selected Parts
Category: Site Features
Certain products in our JCB Parts Catalogue are being updated to include extended descriptions. This means that the parts will have extra information describing the part and its function. As much as we would like to do this for all of the parts in our database, it is currently not feasible due to the scale of the project, so only selected items are being treated in this way. You can find a full list in our article JCB Parts with Extended Descriptions.
Goodbye Industry News, Hello Parts Compendium!
Category: Site Updates Blog
We recently added an industry news section to the site, but have since decided that this was not the best use of our resources. Many existing sites already do a great job of this. So instead of that, we are concentrating our efforts on providing more great information about JCB spare parts, by creating our JCB Spare Parts Compendium. Each entry in the compendium features information about the parts themselves, describing their function, and also links to all of the existing parts of that kind in our parts directory.
For example, our first entries cover such things as general information about engines, the engine block and the cylinder head.
Batch Eight
Category: Site Updates Blog
Our eight batch of parts was added to the directory today. You can find full details of this in our article JCB Parts - Batch Eight.
Components for Batch Seven
Category: Site Updates Blog
The components for batch seven have all been added to the site. You can find a full list of the components for batch seven in our article Component Parts for Batch Seven.
Seventh Batch of Parts Added to the Database
Category: Site Updates Blog
Our seventh batch of JCB parts (not including clearance batches) was added to the database today. You can find full details of all the parts that have been added in JCB Parts, Batch Seven. The component parts are being added next and we will update you here when that is complete. Don't forget, you can check Parts Directory Updates any time you want to see all of the batches that have been added.
High Value Clearance List
Category: Site Updates Blog
Our high value clearance list is now complete and live on the site. All of the items have been added, including their component parts, retail price, clearance price and stock count. You can find a full list of them, with links to the product pages for more information, on our High Value JCB Parts Clearance page, one of our featured Clearance Listings.
You can also browse clearance listings through our parts catalogue using the filters on the left to display only items that are in the clearance sale. Please contact our team for more information about a part or with any questions you may have. They are always available to help you find the right part for your JCB machine.
New Server
Category: Site Updates Blog
We are pleased to have moved the site on to a new server. The process took two weeks and is finally completed. The old server was running an operating system that is due to go out of maintenance updates in March 2017, so it was time.
The new server is much faster than the old one and has all the latest software and security, so you can be sure that the site will always be online, responding quickly and secure.
Clearance Listings
Category: Site Features
The latest feature to be added to the site was made live yesterday. We are now featuring clearance listings in separate articles that can be browsed independently of the main parts catalogue. These articles feature all of our current clearance items for their particular type (high volume or high value) and include price, retail price and the quantity in stock. They are a great way to see all of our clearance items at a glance. Each item is also linked to its product page, so you can get full information if required.
Our high value clearance list is not yet available, but is next on the list for being added to the site. The high volume list is all done, and you can find it linked from the clearance listings page. We will update you here when the high value listing is added.
Clearance Parts Filter
Category: Site Features

We are pleased to announce the addition of a filter on our JCB Parts Catalogue that enables you to only display products that are on clearance. This makes it much easier for you to quickly find all of the parts that we have listed on clearance at a special price. All of these products also include details of how many of them we have in stock.
To make use of this filter, visit the parts catalogue page and look for the new filter on the left of the page, at the bottom of the filter list. You will see the heading "On Clearance" and beneath that two options, "High Volume JCB Parts" and "High Value JCB Parts". Currently we only have high volume parts listed on clearance, with high value items being added soon. See the picture for an idea of what it looks like. As soon as you click the filter it will activate automatically and only high volume clearance items will be displayed. To further refine your search, choose a category or model type from the lists.
High Volume Clearance - Stock Update
Category: Clearance Stock Updates
The stock figures for the JCB parts in our high volume clearance sale were updated today. All of the stock quantities are now up to date with the latest figures. We are in the process of updating the site to provide listings of the clearance parts, and will update you soon here when that facility is available. For now, all of the high volume clearance parts are listed in our JCB Parts Catalogue. The next feature to be added will be a filter on the parts catalogue so clearance parts can be found quickly. Feel free to contact us for more information or to find a specific part.